
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

LESSON OF SPIRITUALITY AND PEACE Barakat and Vastness in Sustenance

Ubqari Magazine - May 2014

Extracts from the weekly Lectures (Durs) by Shaikh al Wazif Hazrat Hakim Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai (Daamat Barkatahum alaihe)

How did Impossible Become Possible: One day a message came from the US. A person belongs to Italy. He said; please translate the priceless treasure for me in the Roman language. He wanted to read it. The whole world is reciting the two priceless treasures. Sometimes I say to Allah, that O Allah! If you have accepted any person’s recitation of the priceless treasure then due to its blessing, please accept my recitations of the priceless treasures as well. Such sincere people recite the two priceless treasures. Impossible things become possible. The doors to sustenance open. The doors to affluence open. The doors of destruction close. Cornucopia becomes a destiny. Allah’s blessings shower on the houses. And the devil becomes unsuccessful. Recite two priceless treasures after every prayer. Close the door of devil with this. Our homes are ruined. There are disputes, quarrels and destructions and God forbid, the situation worsens to the point of divorce. The ratio of divorce is increasing in the Islamic countries. The reason for this is that devil can enter the house.

Save Your Houses From Ruining: The devil will create misunderstandings and doubt between the spouses. It will dispute the siblings with each other. And he would lift eatables from the house. Why is it said that when the word Salam is said in a house, the devil decides not to enter that house, neither to sleep. So what we learn is that when peace vanishes, homes ruin.

Safety with Deeds: People of Allah! The sage wants to give you a message. That Allah Almighty has kept the mechanism of flourishing and safety somewhere else. We have considered wealth and property to be the mechanism of livelihood. We have considered the security instruments to be the paraphernalia for safety. Allah has made the mechanism of livelihood in deeds. Please value the two priceless treasures. Recite this. Two priceless treasures are present on the Internet as well.

People of Allah! Make two priceless treasures bread and butter of your life. Those who do not remember it should memorize them. Bilingual people come to me as well. These people of Gujrat, Jhelum and Dina can either speak in Punjabi or they can speak in English in peculiar western accents, they cannot speak in Urdu.

Why is the World so Anguished Despite So Many Inventions: A friend said to me; This is my son. Please do not talk to him in Urdu. In reality he was raised there and became an adult. We speak in Punjabi at home and in English outdoors, we do not understand Urdu. One day a friend started saying to me, that I used to listen to a voice of a child on the Internet. This child Ali is sitting. You live in Pennsylvania and I heard his voice there on the Internet. Now he has specially come for the tasbeeh khana. He started saying. I used to listen to the voice of the child. When the child saw, he started looking at him at once. He said that this is the child whose voice I used to listen on the Internet. This is a message, this is a reality. Is the world not really anguished despite all of its inventions or not?

I had to buy a few nails and bolts. That is why I had to go to Bilal Ganj. I had to buy some other things too. There was one shop of nails and bolts. I decided to buy things from there, so that I would not have to go to Brandreth road. That shop was empty and abandoned. I said, “Do you have this material?” He said that he only had one thing and not the rest. I said, “Can I sit here for some time?” He said, “Please sit down.” I said, “It sounds as if your circumstances are different than the size of your shop. The reality suggests that this shop was huge once upon a time. He said that is right. That the events took turns. I asked, do you not recite anything?” He said, “I recite a lot.” I said, “There is a wazifa called two priceless treasures.” He stood up at once and brought it from a room behind. He said, “I also have this.” I said, “That your plight is such is that your bottle is full of water and you are crying about your thirst.” The blessing is with you. I opened it and read a couple of incidents from it. And then told him and I said, “recite them, they will change your life for good.. Recite it all the time. You are sitting idle all the time. There is no customer and you are sitting idle.”

No customer comes to your shop so you should keep on reciting this all the time. Recite the priceless treasure 1 and also the other one. He started reciting them. After some time I had to pass by the shop. I went to that shopkeeper, wondering that what would be his state.” When I reached there, the two priceless treasures were lying in front on the table. That person met me with a lot of love and affection. I asked him about his wellbeing. The state of the shop was the same. I asked are you still reciting them? He said that he was still reciting them (continued)

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